- 寿宴配套只供 10 位享用 (For 10 pax only)
- 配套将征收 3% 服务费,6% SST (All prices subject to 3% Service Charge & 6% SST)
- 凡预订寿宴配套,每席将免费唐茶与瓶装汽水 (Free flow of chinese tea & bottle soft drinks per table)
- 自来色酒-开瓶费 每瓶 RM 10 (Corkage fee for Hard Liquor – RM 10 /bottle)
- 自来红酒-开瓶费 每瓶 RM 8 (Corkage fee for Red Wine – RM 8 /bottle)
Birthday Banquet Packages
寿宴 C
- 生日寿面+寿桃 (Longevity Noodles + Peach Buns)
- 梅花六福盘 (Plum Flowers Six Mixed Cold Platter)
- 瑶柱蟹肉鱼鳔羹 (Dried Scallop & Fish Maw Thick Soup)
- 港蒸龙虎斑 (HK Style Steamed Sabah Grouper)
- 八宝焖元蹄 (Braised Eight Treasured Pork Knuckles)
- 海参鲍片香菇豆筋兰花 (Braised Sea Cucumber & Sliced Abalone)
- 鸳鸯双味虾 (Prawns in Two Style)
- 龙眼海底椰 (Ice Longan w. Sea Coconut)